
Good health is fundamental if you are to live a full and rich life. Without it you will be consumed by it on a daily basis; in pain physically, mentally and emotionally.

Problems with your health, be it physical or psychological, is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong and that you need to ‘do ‘something ‘take action’ in order to shift and change that.

The focus of my form of zen shiatsu is taking you to a space where you can tune into your body, to feel and connect to those deeper sensations, to begin to listen and hear the messages it is telling you, as ultimately…..

Often in our ‘fast-paced and head based’ modern lives, we ignore the subtle messages our body is always sending until the point it needs to yell out! That often takes the form of acute body aches and pains.

So although the ultimate focus is upon facilitating you to connect to your ‘inner voice’, all those aches and pains screaming out need to be ‘heard’ and addressed as part of the process before they can calm down. Ultimately I aim to have you to leave feeling ‘deeply heard’ with a sense of inner calm at the end of it all!

I have passionate focus in my work and practice upon researching and learning how to work much more specifically with the nervous system responses within the body, triggered by all aspects of stress and the underlying types and degrees of trauma and childhood patterning most people carry.

Shiatsu is not going to ‘fix you’, it is going to provide you with a resource to be more empowered in your healthcare, and as such I always suggest that benefits are cumulative. Therefore, regular treatments or a series of treatments are infinitely more beneficial than a ‘one-off’. Clients who choose to use shiatsu as part of an empowered and focused self care plan gain the most from treatment.

I am very happy to discuss treatment beforehand so we can determine whether shiatsu is the best starting point for your particular condition. My priority is on ensuring that you get the right treatment for your condition.

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